Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mozarts Tiny Piano

Mozarts Tiny Piano

One of my 10 year old sons is working on a book report. The book has be a biography, and he chose one on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. As the report included an oral component, and the class is to use a puppet of their subject and present the report from the first person, using the puppet.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
When my wife and son had finished the puppet, we were discussing the report and decided that it needed a little more something . . . so I decided I should make Mozart a piano.

This was a quick and dirty project, which I went from start to finish on in about 15 minutes. That said, it was fun, and Im rather pleased with the results.

The piano, fresh off the band saw.
I first found a scrap of 6/4 walnut and drew a piano outline on it with chalk. Thin I took it to the bandsaw and cut to the line. Using a marking wheel, I marked out for the cut of the keys. With the piano on its side, I made these cuts on the band saw too. Finally, I used a white paint marker to make the keys white and added some black ones with a marker. In the bottom, I glued in a dowel for my son to use as a handle.

Then, viola! Mozart had a piano.

Play, Amadeus, play.
Sometimes its nice to take a scrap and make a quick fun project. The tiny piano certainly was one.

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Mozarts Tiny Piano